IT governance in a company to achieve the company’s vision, mission, goals, and objectives. There are problems in IT management both media and website in the Tourism Destination Development Secto…
Image retrieval is an image search method by performing a comparison between the query image and the image contained in the database based on the existing information. This study proposes to save t…
The geomagnetic data processing as required in earthquake prediction studies is currently being interesting discussions, particularly in Lombok island. For good quality data processing, it is ver…
IT governance is an effort to manage information technology to support and align with a company's business strategy. The NTB Provincial Library and Archives Service is an agency that assists the g…
Pada umumnya brankas digunakan untuk menyimpan barang-barang berharga karena memiliki tingkat keamanan yang baik, namun saat ini banyak brankas masih memiliki kekurangan karena menggunakan kunci …
Image retrieval is an image search method by performing a comparison between the query image and the image contained in the database based on the existing information. This study proposes to save t…
Souvenir center mapping information system as support for West Nusa Tenggara tourism is designed to help tourist and public in getting information about souvenir centers based on type of souvenir a…
Geophone adalah sensor yang digunakan pada proses akuisisi gelombang seismik di daerah yang diduga mengandung hidrokarbon seperti minyak dan gas bumi. Dalam kegiatan survei pada suatu wilayah, peng…
Kebutuhan internet terus meningkat seiring dengan kemajuan teknologi dan perkembangan zaman. Akan tetapi permasalahan yang dihadapi adalah kecepatan koneksi internet setiap user berbeda, ini diseba…
Pada tugas akhir ini, dirancang suatu sistem telemetri yang digunakan untuk memonitoring energi terbarukan dari suatu kincir angin menggunakan layanan internet atau yang biasa disebut Internet of t…