Fly Ash and CaCO3 have their own advantages for filling epoxy, in terms of water absorption and side tensile strength, so hybrid fly ash and CaCO3 need to be investigated further. The purpose of th…
Keywords: epoxy, water absorption and fracture toughness. Filler is widely used to improve the mechanical properties of epoxy which is used as an adhesive. Some fillers have advantages and d…
Penggunaan teknologi sebagai alat pengukur jarak masih terbilang minim, dimana pengukuran jarak masih menggunakan alat ukur manual. Manusia khususnya penyandang tunanetra mereka berjalan dengan ban…
Komposit sandwich pada penelitian ini terdiri dari inti (core) dari opened cell foam bambu dengan densitas sangat rendah dan skin yang tipis dan kaku dari plywood. Kelebihan komposit sandwich adala…
Abstract- The “Koperasi Pegawai Negeri” (KPN) of Mataram University is a kind of saving/debit and loan cooperative that own by Mataram University. It is an institution cooperative which by the …