One of the materials used for the manufacture of composite materials is natural fibers. Natural fibers are part of the plants that are easy to find in nature. One of the natural fibers that can be …
Korosi yang terjadi berbeda pada tiap-tiap titik pelat lambung kapal karena adanya perbedaan laju korosi. Sehingga sangat penting mengetahui laju korosi tiap-tiap titik pelat. Pengendalian korosi d…
Composite is a material formed from the combination of two or more materials that have stronger mechanical properties. Therefore, the manufacture of fiber-reinforced composite core banana stems w…
Abstrak Seiring dengan perkembangan dunia teknologi yang begitu maju pada era moderen saat ini, kebutuhan akan sambungan perekat juga semakin meningkat terutama di bidang industri seperti: otomoti…
This study aims to determine the effect of adding zinc (Zn) material on scrap aluminum to impact toughness and hardness value on scrap aluminum. In this study the Zinc material (Zn) is used as an …
Aluminium has a very important role in the construction, but it has pour weldability. To overcome the shortages, it needs a good arch welding procedure and special tools . The Metal Inert Gas is o…
Turbin Tesla merupakan suatu mesin yang merubah energi fluida menjadi energi mekanik dengan menggunakan disk yang disusun berlapis pada poros dengan besar celah tertentu. Umumnya turbin Tesla mengg…
Pembangunan gedung bertingkat di pulau Lombok Nusa Tenggara Barat, semakin meningkat dengan pesat, hal ini dikarenakan pembangunan arah vertikal lebih efisien dari aspek ekonomi dan ketersediaan …
Abstract- In the study of "Design and Implementation of Emergency Events Reporting Application in Mataram City" was motivated by the number of emergency incidents occurring in NTB province especial…
Abstract - Mataram city has not applied the geographic information system about health facility. It is make people hard to find the information about health facility. The purpose of this research i…