Biogas is produced energy by an appropriate technology from biomass such waste from cattle manure like cows, goats, horses, chicken, and others. Chicken manure waste is generally only used as a fer…
Indonesia has a wealth of natural fiber resources that are abundant and which have not been used optimally. Raw materials derived from natural have different properties compared to wood. Devlopment…
Secara geografis Indonesia berada di daerah monsoon atau sebuah fenomena alam di mana sering terjadi perubahan iklim secara ekstrem akibat perubahan tekanan udara dari daratan. Hal ini menyebabkan …
Perkerasaan jalan merupakan aspek penting dalam menunjang kelancaran sistem transportasi. Penuaan aspal merupakan salah satu penyebab terjadinya penurunan kualitas perkerasan lentur. Aspal yang men…
Fuel oil used today is a fuel made of fossil fuels, which is where the fossil fuel is an unrenewable fuel. Now this need for fuel oil use is increasing, therefore, to meet these needs developed an …
Solar concentrator is an energy conversion tool used to get high temperatures. The high temperature is produced because the collector has a focal point that uses mirror elements as a purifier of su…
Boiler / Boiler unit 2 at PLTU PT. LED functions as a producer of steam to turn turbines so that it can be used to generate electricity through electricity generators. Unit 2 boilers operate from 2…
A filler is an ingredient that is commonly mixed in epoxy adhesives to change adhesive properties, especially viscosity, water absorption properties and can increase adhesive strength. There are ma…
Pintu rumah pada umumnya saat ini masih dibuka atau ditutup secara konvensional, sehingga kurang efektif dan efisien apabila membuka atau menutup pintu rumah secara manual. Sehingga diperlukan sist…
Penambahan zat aditif terbukti mampu menurunkan resistansi tanah, zat aditif yang digunakan yaitu garam, arang, bentonit dan gypsum. Luasan penampang plat elektroda 50x36, 70x36, 120x36 cm2. Kompos…