Article History: Received Accepted Available online Along with the development of the manufacturing industry, the use of composite materials that are environtmentally friendly…
Kabupaten Lombok Barat merupakan salah satu Kabupaten di Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat yang secara geografis berada pada area dengan pemandangan alam yang menarik. Hal ini menyebabkan ruas jalan ter…
Campuran lataston atau HRS-WC (Hot Rolled Sheed–Wearing Cros) mempunyai sifat agregat yang bergradasi senjang dan mengandung sangat sedikit agregat yang berukuran sedang sehingga campuran dapat m…
Rapid technological development has created a human face recognition system. The use of this facial recognition system spread to various fields. One of them is the security field that uses this sys…
Tumbuhnya tanaman eceng gondok merupakan permasalahan yang sama dialami waduk-waduk yang ada di indonesia khususnya di studi kasus kali ini yaitu di waduk Pengga di kabupaten Lombok Tengah. Eceng…
Abstract Solar panels are alternative energy that utilizes the intensity of the sun as its energy source. The EBT (Renewable Energy) Laboratory of Electrical Engineering at the University of Matara…
This paper presents the application of the Backpropagation method of the Artificial Neural Network algorithm in the case study to predict the amount of export value in NTB province. This forecastin…