Tugas Akhir Mesin
Water is one of the factors which very important and necessary in the life of living creatures.
Therefore, water must be available whenever and wherever in the quantity, timing, and
sufficient quality. Hydraulic Ram Pump (Hydram) is a pump which does not require external
energy as the power source. The purposes of this research are understanding the influence of
mounting tube compressor with tilt angle from the water weight-lift of output pipe .
This research uses hydrant pump by the specification of tube compressor where its’
diameter 3 inches and a height of 60 cm. The falling angle of pump is 35°. The falling-height is 2
meter with 4 variations of weight-lift 4, 4½, and 5 meters.
The method of analysis is conducted by analyzing data obtained during the experiment,
where the results in the form of quantitative data which is presented in type of tables and
displayed in graphical form. The results of the research shows that the best output debit on
mounting tube compressor variation 90° that is 0.035 L / s with 4 meters water weight-lift, while
the lowest output debit on mounting tube compressor variation that is 0.011 L / s 5 meters water
weight-lift. The best efficiency is 27.3 % in the mounting tube compressor variation 90° with 4
meters of water weight-lift, while the lowest efficiency is 6.5 % in the mounting tube compressor
variation 90° with 5 meters of water weight-lift.
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