Tugas Akhir Mesin
Energy is a very important requirement for humans being. One of the energy that is often
used is the sun or solar energy. In Indonesia, the utilization of solar energy as a renewable energy
is important due to its abundant availability. One of the efforts made in the utilization of solar
energy is using solar cell technology or solar panel. Solar cell technology is a technology that
converts solar energy into electrical energy.
This research discusses the simulation of a solar cell by using Solar Emulator, a type of
polycrystalline solar cells with an output power up to 10 WP. The research has an objective to get
the influence of the solar panel angle by knowing the voltage and current optimal based on data
of solar irradiance from 17 March until 25 March 2016. Variations used are solar panel angles.
The research method is carried out with turned solar emulator, adjusted the solar incidence angle
and elevation angles. The iradiance of halogen lamp was ajusted with a data set based on that
irradiance. Output voltage and current were obtained by illuminating solar cell by light bulbs.
The results showed that the angle of optimal solar panels based on the data Output
Power/Maximum Power Point (Pmpp) obtained at panel angle of 10° compared than those of the
panel angle of 20° and 30° because of the utilization of the largest solar radiation intensity is
usually effective at a time 10:30 to 14:30 WITA. Value of Pmpp maximum for panel angle 10°
based on this research is 0,60 Watt.
Keywords: Solar cell, Solar Emulator, Polycrystalline, Angle of solar cells, Solar irradiance
Energi merupakan kebutuhan yang
sangat penting bagi manusia. Kebutuhan
akan energi di dunia naik setiap tahunnya
seiring berkembangnya teknologi saat ini.
PLN (Perusahaan Listrik Negara) sebagai
penyedia listrik di Indonesia, kewalahan
dalam memenuhi kebutuhan listrik dalam
negeri karena kebutuhan energi tersebut
dan semakin mahalnya bahan bakar
minyak. Bahkan, untuk mengatasi masalah
tersebut, PLN harus melakukan
pemadaman bergilir di beberapa daerah.
Hal itu disebakan karena kondisi geografis di
Indonesia yang berbeda dari negara-negara
lain yaitu negara kepulauan dengan daerah
terpencil yang banyak sehingga penyebaran
distribusi BBM sulit dan rumit.
Indonesia adalah sebuah negara
yang terletak
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