Tugas Akhir Elektro
Electric power system is an integrated system that is formed by the relationship of equipment and electrical components, generators, transformers, electrical networks and electrical loads. The transformer characteristic is related to transformer efficiency, where the transformer's efficiency is affected by the load. So it is necessary to do the research on the loss characteristics of the transformer without the burden and the transformers that weigh against the dominant load R, L, C. Obtained by the research that one-phase transformer when in a no-load state, is given a primary voltage source (Vp) of 40; 60; 80 V, then the current flowing in the primary coil (IP) will be greater and the iron Core loss (Pi) that occurs in the transformer will be greater. When the transformer is given a resistive (R) load with a single condition of 600; 800; 900; 1000 Ω, and inductive load (L) and Capasitor (C) constant respectively 0.4 H and 2 Μf, then the primary current and the secondary current flowing will be smaller and the lower copper loss (PCU) is going to be smaller. When the transformer is given inductive load (L) with a single condition that is respectively 0.4; 0.8; 1.2; 4.8 H, and resistive (R) and capacitor (C) loads respectively 600 Ω and 2 Μf, then the primary flow and the secondary current flowing will be smaller and the less copper loss (PCU) is going to be smaller. When the transformer is given a load of Capasitif (C) with a single condition which is 2, respectively; 4 8; 16 μF, and the resistive (R) and inductive (L) load constant respectively 600 Ω and 0.4 H, then the primary flow and the secondary flow flowing will be greater and the more copper loss (PCU) that occurs will be greater.
Keywords: Loss Transformer, Different Loading and Transformer 1 Phase.
Sistem tenaga listrik merupakan sistem terpadu yang terbentuk oleh hubungan peralatan dan komponen-komponen listrik, generator, transformator, jaringan listrik dan beban-beban listrik. Karakteristik trafo berkaitan dengan efisiensi trafo, dimana efisiensi trafo dipengaruhi oleh beban. Sehingga perlu dilakukan penelitian terhadap karakteristik rugi trafo tanpa beban maupun trafo berbeban terhadap beban dominan R, L, C. Diperoleh hasil penelitian bahwa trafo satu fasa saat dalam keadaan tanpa beban, diberikan sumber tegangan primer (Vp) sebesar 40; 60; 80 V, maka arus yang mengalir pada kumparan primer (Ip) akan semakin besar dan rugi inti besi (Pi) yang terjadi pada trafo akan semakin besar. Saat trafo diberikan beban Resistif (R) dengan kondisi tunggal yang masingmasing sebesar 600; 800; 900; 1000 Ω, dan beban Induktif (L) dan Capasitor (C) konstan masing-masing 0,4 H dan 2 µF, maka arus primer dan arus sekunder yang mengalir akan semakin kecil dan Rugi Tembaga (Pcu) yang terjadi akan semakin kecil. Saat trafo diberikan beban Induktif (L) dengan kondisi tunggal yang masing-masing sebesar 0,4; 0,8; 1,2; 4,8 H, dan
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