Buku teknik konversi energi ini memaparkan teori dasar konversi energi,dimana fokus pembahasanya adalah mesin mesin yang mengkoversi sumber sumber energi yang tersedia di alam untuk menghasilkan e…
Turbin angin digunakan untuk mengkonversi energi angin menjadi energi listrik melalui sudu turbin lalu diteruskan ke generator. Beberapa pengembangan telah dilakukan tetapi masih ada persoalan se…
The gravity vortex turbine is a type of microhydro power plant (PLTMH) that uses a vortex to turn the turbine. To increase its efficiency, the flow velocity and vortex height must be increased…
Electrical energy is one of the primary human needs which continues to increase. Dependence on fossil energy and the minimal use of renewable energy is one of the weaknesses in the applicatio…
Jeranjang Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Uap (PLTU) (Steam-Electric Power Station) is a steam power plant with a capacity of 3 x 25 megawatts (MW) on Lombok island. One measure of the efficiency of a…
the developments in research using computational development in a variety of turbulence analysis models that have developed now and have been applied to various CFD package programs, the boundary c…
The Micro Hydro Power Plant (PLTMH) which is very often used today is the Cross Flow Turbine. The reason is because of the high level of efficiency using low pressure and speed, the flow of water f…
Upaya untuk meningkatkan pengembangan energi terbarukan menjadi salah satu usaha untuk mengatasi ketergantungan dunia industri terhadap mesin yang menggunakan bahan bakar fosil. Salah satunya adala…
Microhydro power plants are one of the efforts to overcome the fuel crisis that is used by fossil fuels used for vehicle, household and industrial fuel needs. Utilization of new renewable energy (E…