Image retrieval is a method used to search digital images in image database. One of the most important things in image retrieval is the feature extraction process. There are several methods that ca…
Abstract - Based on Article 30 of Law Number 16 of 2004 a government institution is formed which is tasked with carrying out the authority and function of the prosecutor's office in the relevant hi…
Climate condition influents on various sectors of human life, such as agriculture. Climate forecasting can be done to help mapping the planting period so that agricultural productivity is optimal. …
Abstract-Quail laying business is one of the promising businesses. But in the management of quail farms, it is not easy, there are several things that are considered such as the location of the cag…
Ginger (Zingiber officinale Rosc) is a type of herb and medicinal plant that has high economic value and has been widely known by the people of Indonesia. Ginger water content at harvest ranges fro…
Tanah longsor merupakan salah satu bencana alam yang sering terjadi di Indonesia yang dapat menimbulkan banyak korban jiwa, rusaknya bangunan di lokasi bencana, hilangnya mata pencaharian, sanitasi…
Teknologi elektronika dapat diterapkan dalam setiap bidang kehidupan sehari hari, contohnya dalam budidaya jamur merang, untuk mendapatkan hasil panen yang optimal dibutuhkan alat untuk monitoring …
Jembatan Luk Barat yang terletak di Desa Sambik Bangkol Kecamatan Gangga merupakan jalan penghubung yang berperan sangat penting dalam proses mobilisasi masyarakat sekitar. Pada tahun 2018, di pula…