Abstract Solar panels are alternative energy that utilizes the intensity of the sun as its energy source. The EBT (Renewable Energy) Laboratory of Electrical Engineering at the University of Matara…
VANET (Vehicular Ad Hoc Network) as the basis of future technology that can realize driving safety and is expected to reduce the number of accidents. This study analyzes the performance of TORA and…
This paper presents the application of the Backpropagation method of the Artificial Neural Network algorithm in the case study to predict the amount of export value in NTB province. This forecastin…
sebuah permasalahan yang senantiasa akan jumpai oleh mahasiswa atau siswa pada saat mempelajari gambar teknik adalah sulit membayangkan wujud benda dari sebuah gambar yang tercetak di atas kertas,m…
Electric power system is an integrated system that is formed by the relationship of equipment and electrical components, generators, transformers, electrical networks and electrical loads. The tran…
Abstract- The use of learning media in the teaching and learning process can generate new desires and interests, generate motivation and stimulation of learning activities and bring positive effect…
Abstract Teeth serve to chew food, say words clearly, form a harmonious face and for a better appearance. Healthy teeth and gums will make it easy to eat well and enjoy good food. There are some pr…
Tegangan terminal generator dijaga konstan pada berbagai perubahan beban dengan mengatur sisi eksitasi generator menggunakan Automatic Voltage Regulator (AVR). Salah satu generator yang dimiliki o…
Tungku biomassa merupakan media yang biasa digunakan untuk melangsungkan reaksi pembakaran, kemudian panas yang dihasilkan dimanfaatkan untuk keperluan memasak. Desain tungku biomassa yang digunaka…
Network security is the most important aspect of a system in maintaining the validity and integrity of data and ensuring the availability of services for its use. Computer network security systems …