Composite is one type of material that structurally consists of two or more forming phases which are filler and matrix. The combination of Aluminium (Al) alloy and Silicon Carbide (SiC) ceramic is …
MANET can be used as an alternative communication solution because it is mobile, meaning that it does not have a fixed infrastructure. MANET can be applied to earthquake disaster areas. Manet can u…
The energy crisis and the need for environmentally friendly energy souces are a serious problem in the world today. The energy crisis is caused by the large consumption and dependence of human on f…
Fly Ash and CaCO3 have their own advantages for filling epoxy, in terms of water absorption and side tensile strength, so hybrid fly ash and CaCO3 need to be investigated further. The purpose of th…
Small and Medium Industries (SMIs) have a very important role as a driver of the economy in Indonesia because SMIs can function as a provider of employment for a number of people who are not accomm…
Thesis is one of the graduation requirements that must be taken by students to obtain a bachelor's degree. Each student of informatics engineering program who will carry out the Thesis will carry o…
Seiring dengan terus bertambahnya pengguna sepeda motor di indonesia, bertambah pula pengendara yang mengalami masalah dengan sepeda motornya sendiri. Sama seperti penggunna motor, pengguna smartph…
Listrik merupakan salah satu komponen yang sangat berperan banyak dalam kehidupan suatu bangsa dan bahkan bagi setiap manusia. Di Indonesia, listrik diperoleh dengan cara mengolah berbagai macam su…
Many business actors, especially business people in the field of confection that does not pay attention to the tools used workers, especially the use of seats that do not fit the dimensions of the …
Paving block adalah salah satu jenis alternative perkerasan jalan yang terbuat dari campuran semen portland, air, dan agregat halus. Semen sebagai bahan utama paving block dalam penggunaannya memi…