In terms of electricity demand in general, it can be said that the coutry of Indoneia is not sufficient for equitable distribution of energy resources, especially in rural areas, especially now tha…
The need for energy in Indonesia keeps increasing in line with the rising of economic growth and the increasing of population especially the electric energy needs for household. A technology that m…
Abstract - The Informatics Engineering Study Program (PSTI) is one of the study programs at the University of Mataram. Currently at PSTI various information systems have been running for the needs …
Abstract - The problem that is currently occurring in city of Mataram are very limited regarding information on sports facilities. The limited information makes the general public unable to know th…
Composite is a material formed due to the incorporation of several materials into one and has new mechanical properties to produce a stronger material. This is driven by the need for materials that…
Penggunaan serat alam sebagai penguat untuk material komposit sudah mulai dikenal dalam dunia industri dan manufaktur. Salah satu faktor yang mendorong penggunaan serat alam sebagai penguat materia…
Practicum is a compulsory subject subsystem in the lectures in the Electrical Engineering Department of Mataram Unversity which is a structured and scheduled activity that gives students the opport…
Daerah irigasi Jeruju, merupakan daerah pesisir yang mengalami evaporasi yang tinggi yang terletak di Dusun Jeruju Desa Mumbul Sari Kecamatan Bayan Kabupaten Lombok Utara. Sumber Daya Air yang digu…
Dengan berkembangnya Teknologi maka berkembang pula pemikiran untuk menggunakan aplikasi dalam dunia usaha. Salah satunya adalah usaha dalam bidang transportasi. Saat ini sudah muncul layanan angku…