Gasoline is an oil fuel that cannot be renewed, therefore saving and increasing the quality of fuel oil are very important, therefore many people compete to create tools to save fuel, one of which …
The effort to increase fuel economy and to thrift the usage of fossil fuel is becoming main focus in the entire the world. One of those efforts is by using electromagnetic field in order to increas…
Ketergantungan manusia terhadap bahan bakar fosil menyebabkan cadangan sumber energi tersebut semakin lama semakin berkurang. Untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut diperlukan adanya bahan bakar altern…
Gasifiikasi merupakan suatu proses thermokimia yang merubah bahan bakar padat menjadi bahan bakar gas di mana proses pembakaran menggunakan asupan oksigen yang terbatas. Gasifikasi umumnya terdir…
Waste plastic is one of indication in the global-scale environmental contamination, especially in Indonesia, because plastic waste is difficult to be decomposed in the soil. One of ways to overcome…
Exhaust emission contains some substances that harmful human’s life. On the other hand, the fossil fuel resource is deflating dramatically. This phenomenon drives many efforts to maintain and r…