Along with the increasing demand for wood, the supply of wood from nature is decreasing. To overcome this problem, one of the solutions to increase the use of lowgrade hardwood is laminated wood. O…
One of the materials used for the basic material for making composites is natural fiber. Natural fiber is a part of plants that is easily found in nature. One of the natural fibers that can be used…
One of the materials used for the manufacture of composite materials is natural fibers. One that can be used is bamboo. However, bamboo fibers have low compatibility to polymers, requiring surface …
Kekuatan sambungan bambu berpengisi dengan alat sambung baut dipengaruhi oleh tegangan lentur baut, kuat tumpu kayu, dan angka kelangsingan. Pada sambungan bambu berpengisi pengaruh diameter baut p…
Kekuatan dan stabilitas struktur rangka bergantung pada bahan dan sambungan. Bambu memiliki kuat tarik yang tinggi namun lemah terhadap geser, hal ini akan menjadi kendala dalam perangkaian batang-…
Kekuatan sambungan dipengaruhi oleh 3 hal yaitu bahan penyusun sambungan, alat sambung, serta tata letak sambungan yang terdiri dari dan jarak antar alat sambung dan jarak ujung. Jarak ujung yang p…
Utilization of natural fibers as the core to the natural composite sandwich has many advantages, but research is required in order to composite sandwich capable and worthy as an alternative to meta…
Berkaitan dengan upaya pemenuhan kebutuhan bangunan tempat tinggal, tentunya memerlukan material seperti batu bata sebagai bahan penyusun dinding. Namun faktanya, produksi batu bata dapat menimbulk…
One of the materials used for the manufacture of composite materials is natural fibers. Natural fibers are part of the plants that are easy to find in nature. One of the natural fibers that can be …