The need for water is indispensable for all living things. This is because water is the source of life for the survival of all living beings. For some people to meet the demand for water becomes a …
Water is source of life for human being, plant and animal. One of effort to complete of water required is by using hydram pump. Hydram pump (Hydraulic ram pump) is a pump that work without requir…
Water is one of the important thing in the life. The living things like human beings, animals and plants are need it. But, fulfillment and distribution of water is often constraint by the availab…
Water is one of the factors which very important and necessary in the life of living creatures. Therefore, water must be available whenever and wherever in the quantity, timing, and sufficient qu…
ABSTRACT Water is one of the factors which very important and necessary in the life of living creatures. Therefore, water must be available whenever and wherever in the quantity, timing, and suf…
Kebutuhan manusia terhadap air sangat tinggi, tanpa air manusia tidak dapat menjalankan aktivitasnya. Dengan berkembangnya teknologi, maka timbul pemikiran menciptakan teknologi tepat guna untuk me…