Konsumsi energi listrik perlu diketahui untuk pembayaran jumlah energi listrik yang terpakai oleh pelanggan ke penyedia listrik. Konsumsi energi listrik diukur menggunakan energi meter dengan stand…
Stabilitas sistem tenaga merupakan kemampuan untuk menjaga variabel sistem agar tetap pada nilai stabil (steady state). Gangguan hubung singkat 3 fasa pada satu saluran transmisi mengakibatkan sist…
Kualitas daya terdiri dari beberapa variabel seperti tegangan, arus, frekuensi, faktor daya, dan harmonisa. Semua variabel tersebut harus memiliki kualitas yang baik ketika beroperasi sehingga list…
The Tesla turbine is a machine using alternative energy. The energy can change the potential energy of the fluid into mechanical energy by using disk arranged sequentially on one axis of the shaft …
The need for energy in Indonesia keeps increasing in line with the rising of economic growth and the increasing of population especially the electric energy needs for household. A technology that m…
The biomass of horse feces and corn cob is found as a waste that is underutilized. Horse manure has contents such as carbon, hydrogen and nitrogen, wich one of them is able to be processed through …
Efforts made to save fuel and combustion on vehicles become better by using permanent magnets or other electromagnetic alternatives installed on the fuel pipe. The use of magnetic fields with varyi…
Gasoline is an oil fuel that cannot be renewed, therefore saving and increasing the quality of fuel oil are very important, therefore many people compete to create tools to save fuel, one of which …
Panel surya adalah salah satu teknologi energi terbarukan yang mampu mengkonversi energi matahari menjadi energi listrik. Panel surya menjadi sumber energi terbarukan yang paling penting, namun pad…