This study is based on the existence of problems with the lecturer attendance information system in the Informatics Engineering Study Program that uses fingerprints that are directly connected to t…
Small and Medium Industries (SMIs) have a very important role as a driver of the economy in Indonesia because SMIs can function as a provider of employment for a number of people who are not accomm…
Laporan kinerja dosen dalam bentuk sistem informasi dapat memudahkan dosen melakukan pengisian data secara online yang berbasis web. Sistem informasi ini menyajikan pengisian data lengkap, tetapi b…
Abstract - The problem that is currently occurring in the Batu Jai Dam is the absence of a system that can be used to monitor and manage irrigation areas effectively so manual measurement must be c…
Akreditasi program studi merupakan ukuran pelayanan program akademik yang ditetapkan oleh Badan Akreditasi Nasional – Perguruan Tinggi (BAN-PT) melelui evaluasi dan penilaian terhadap mutu dan ka…
Abstract - The problem that is currently occurring in city of Mataram are very limited regarding information on sports facilities. The limited information makes the general public unable to know th…
Practicum is a compulsory subject subsystem in the lectures in the Electrical Engineering Department of Mataram Unversity which is a structured and scheduled activity that gives students the opport…
Abstract- Students’ grades in SMPN 15 Mataram have been processed manually. Each student’s grades are written in a student’s report book which is given at the end of every semester. This manu…
Sistem Informasi Desa (SID) sangat membantu aparatur desa dalam mengelola kependudukan desa dan mengalokasikan bantuan Dana Desa (DD) yang diatur pada Undang– Undang (UU) Nomor 6 Tahun 2014 oleh …
Produsen otomotif terutama kendaraan sepeda motor setiap tahunnya memproduksi kendaraan sepeda motor dengan berbagai macam produk. Produsen biasanya menggunakan kunci ganda motor yang menggunakan s…