Salah satu tantangan besar yang tengah dihadapi industri perkuatan struktur adalah isu green building materials. Penggunaan material dengan konsep ramah lingkunagn menjadi fokus yang harus diperh…
Composite is a combination of several different materials, arranged to form new materials that are better than the nature of the arrangement. Composites are distinguished by their shape, which is i…
Serat Bambu merupakan salah satu serat alam yang berpotensi digunakan sebagai material komposit. Penelitian yang berkaitan dengan komposit serat alam dan aplikasinya pada panel sandwich sebagai alt…
Green building material is a concept that makes up a lot of construction materials developed in modern times. Construction material with green building concept has criteria such as lightweight raw …
Berdasarkan data dari Sistem Pengelolaan Sampah Nasional Tahun 2018 jumlah sampah yang ditimbulkan di Kota Mataram mencapai 408 ton/ hari yang terdiri dari berbagai jenis sampah, diantaranya sampah…
Material engineering technology every year always makes new breakthroughs in quality materials and have an adequate contribution. Natural fiber reinforced composite material is one of the materials…
Indonesia has a wealth of natural fiber resources that are abundant and which have not been used optimally. Raw materials derived from natural have different properties compared to wood. Devlopment…
Serat ampas tebu (baggase) merupakan limbah organik yang banyak dihasilkan di pabrik-pabrik pengolahan gula tebu yang ada di Indonesia dan juga dapat ditemukan pada penjual air tebu. Selama ini pem…
Research aims to analyze the effect of surface treatment on mechanical properties and physical properties the fibers of skin cane and hibiscus bark fibers. This study begins by providing the treatm…
Natural fibers are often considered as replacement fibers that are environmentally friendly compared to synthetic. applications from natural fibers develop in several sectors such as automotive, Fu…