The energy crisis and the need for environmentally friendly energy souces are a serious problem in the world today. The energy crisis is caused by the large consumption and dependence of human on f…
Metode konvensional untuk menurunkan tegangan pada tanah yang bernilai tinggi adalah dengan menurunkan resistivitas tanah. Beberapa zat aditif yang ditambahkan di dalam tanah terbukti mampu menurun…
In the last decade, the trend of developing composite materials has shifted to the use of back-tonature fibers with several advantages including low density, renewable production, low energy produc…
The use of natural fibers as a base material and reinforcement in the manufacture of composite materials has become known in the world of industry and manufacturing. One of the natural fibers that …
Biogas consists of methane gas (CH4) of 49%, carbon dioxide (CO2) of 45%, hydrogen (H2) of 1-5%, oxygen (O2) of 0.1-0.5%, hydrogen sulfide (H2S) of 0-3% and other imperfections (Fadli, 2013). The r…
Humans have always been trying to create products that consist of a combination of more than one material to produce a stronger material. This is driven by the need for materials that can meet cert…
Penggunaan serat alam sebagai penguat untuk material komposit sudah mulai dikenal dalam dunia industri dan manufaktur. Salah satu faktor yang mendorong penggunaan serat alam sebagai penguat materia…
Jalan raya Mataram-Sikur merupakan salah satu segmen jalan arteri yang melewati Desa Keru, Kecamatan Narmada Kabpaten Lombok Barat dan merupakan jalur utama yang menghubungkan kabupaten lombok timu…
eed for components that have structural capabilities, light and strong, environmentally friendly materials are also the demands of today's technology. One material that is expected to be able to fu…