Listrik merupakan salah satu komponen yang sangat berperan banyak dalam kehidupan suatu bangsa dan bahkan bagi setiap manusia. Di Indonesia, listrik diperoleh dengan cara mengolah berbagai macam su…
Paving block adalah salah satu jenis alternative perkerasan jalan yang terbuat dari campuran semen portland, air, dan agregat halus. Semen sebagai bahan utama paving block dalam penggunaannya memi…
The use of magnetic materials in the fuel pipe for the process of forming fuel so that pertamax fuel is easier to bind oxygen during the process and reduce the level of exhaust emissions of carbon …
The use of a magnetic field on the fuel line pipe is intended to cause ionization in the fuel. The ionization process is needed so that the fuel more easily binds oxygen during the combustion proce…
Gasoline is an oil fuel that cannot be renewed, therefore saving and increasing the quality of fuel oil are very important, therefore many people compete to create tools to save fuel, one of which …