Efforts to improve fuel efficiency and to save the use of fossil fuels are the main focus throughout the world. One of these efforts is to use a permanent magnetic field to improve the quality of t…
Article History: Received Accepted ailable online Wind energy is one source of energy that can be renewable, therefore the use of wind energy so far. Indonesia has enormous wind energy pote…
The need for energy consumption nowadays becomes very important things, especially the need for electrical energy. Technology to convert heat into electricity directly can be conducted using thermo…
Stabilitas tegangan suatu sistem tenaga listrik dapat dilihat dari titik kritisnya dalam kurva P-V. Titik kritis ini menunjukkan nilai pembebanan maksimum yang boleh diberikan untuk menjaga teganga…
Perkembangan teknologi telekomunikasi saat ini sangat pesat salah satunya serat optik. PT. Telkom Indonesia sebagai penyedia jasa layanan informasi dan komunikasi serat optik ingin meningkatkan kua…