Self-evaluation is very important for teachers, where teachers can find out the shortcomings or weaknesses in the learning material. The quality of the material when providing learning to student…
Self-evaluation is very important for teachers, where teachers can find out the shortcomings or weaknesses in the learning material. The quality of the material when providing learning to student…
The development of information technology is currently very supportive, such as the trade sector to take advantage of advances in information technology such as more efficient in carrying out…
COVID-19 is an infectious disease severe acute respiratory syndrome SARS CoV-2 which spreads from direct human contact through droplets of mucus in the respiratory tract of an infected person. …
Sistem Informasi Akademik Universitas Mataram (SIA UNRAM) adalah perangkat lunak yang dibangun dan dikelola UPT PUSTIK guna mempermudah pengguna dalam melakukan pengelolaan berbagai data dan in…
Negara kita merupakan salah satu negara beriklim tropis. Dikarenakan hal tersebut, hutan sudah menjadi kawasan wajib. Taman Hutan Raya (Tahura) Nuraksa memiliki banyak flora dan fauna di dalamny…