Karakteristik daya yang dihasilkan modul fotovoltaik ditentukan oleh intensitas radiasi matahari, temperatur, dan faktor geografis dari suatu daerah. Monitoring daya modul fotovoltaik umumnya dilak…
ABSTRACT Solar energy is possible for using alternative energy source potential., first rate looked from a source which emits energy is very much and long time. Also expected solar energy is …
The existence of electrical energy to be very important for the implementation of national development, both directly and indirectly. Electrical energy must be fulfilled because it is very importan…
Cooling machine technology that uses CFC (Cloro Flouro Carbon) can damage the Ozone layer structure. Therefore, it is important to invent a cooling machine/refrigerator that does not use CFC. One o…
Pada tugas akhir ini telah dirancang power splitter yang di tujukan untuk aplikasi penyiaran TV kampus. Power splitter ini diharapkan bekerja pada rentang frekuensi 188-195 MHz. power splitter in…