The use of environmentally friendly materials that are capable of being recycled and capable of being destroyed by nature are the demands of today's technology. The advantages of sandwich composite…
One of the materials used for the manufacture of composite materials is natural fibers. Natural fibers are part of the plants that are easy to find in nature. One of the natural fibers that can be …
Heat loss is a loss of energy thermal the flow of fluida in the pipe as a result heat transfer. Heat transfer occurs in a pipe line high temperature to low temperature. A thermal insulator is used…
Penelitian ini membahas tentang Variasi Lama Perendaman Perlakuan Alkali Dan Panjang Serat Terhadap Kekuatan Tarik Dan Bending Pada komposit Serat Tapis Kelapa yang Di Urai dan Filler Tempurung Kel…
Komposit atau materi komposit merupakan suatu material yang tersusun atas lebih dari dua elemant penyusunan. Komposit terdiri dari matrik sebagai pengikat dan filler sebagai pengisi komposit. Penel…
Tanah lempung merupakan salah satu jenis tanah yang memiliki sifat permeabilitas rendah, gaya gesek kecil, plastisitas tinggi dan daya lekat yang tinggi. Untuk mengatasi permasalahan tersebut, maka…
Composites is an engineering material which is made from combination of two or more different materials into a new material with new properties. The aim of this research is to determine the effect …
Composite is a material engineering technology has many developed, because the composite material able to combine some characteristics of different material properties into something new as planned…
Composite is one kind of material created by the merger of two or more kinds of materials that have different properties into one new material with different properties, one of which is the incorpo…