Sambungan perekat banyak digunakan di dalam industri otomotif, dan industri perkapalan. Seiring dengan perkembangan teknologi yang semakin pesat ini, pemakaian sambungan pun semakin meningkat. Peng…
The use of environmentally friendly materials , is able to be recycled and able destroyed itself by nature is a requirement of today's technology. The advantages of composite sandwich is lightweigh…
Komposit sandwich pada penelitian ini terdiri dari inti (core) dari opened cell foam bambu dengan densitas sangat rendah dan skin yang tipis dan kaku dari plywood. Kelebihan komposit sandwich adala…
Hybrid sandwich composite is a sandwich composite material more than one layer composed of fiberglass composite and fibricius composite as skin and core in the middle. Composite materials are fiber…
One of the materials used for the manufacture of composite materials is natural fibers. Natural fibers are part of the plants that are easy to find in nature. One of the natural fibers that can be …
Composite is a material formed from the combination of two or more materials that have stronger mechanical properties. Therefore, the manufacture of fiber-reinforced composite core banana stems w…
Penelitian ini membahas tentang Variasi Lama Perendaman Perlakuan Alkali Dan Panjang Serat Terhadap Kekuatan Tarik Dan Bending Pada komposit Serat Tapis Kelapa yang Di Urai dan Filler Tempurung Kel…