Recently, the case of motor vehicle theft is quite high. The mode of motorcycle theft operations varies greatly, including by activating ignition, fraud, and appropriation as well as the easiest…
Chicken is one type of poultry that has many benefits, so the chicken can be an option for livestock. This research was conducted to create an expert system that helps provide information to far…
The design of the PSTI Electronic Service Information System, Faculty of Engineering, University of Mataram is an advanced system that supports the correspondence process that is asked by students…
The presences system of SMK Perhotelan 45 Mataram is still conventional, allowing students to falsify sick letters. Their parents may think that their child goes for school but in reality they a…
Angka pertumbuhan penduduk berbanding lurus dengan peningkatan jumlah air limbah. Air limbah yang dihasilkan terutama yang mengandung ekskreta manusia dapat mengandung patogen yang berbahaya, ole…
Internet of things (IoT) merupakan sebuah ide atau gagasan yang memungkinkan benda di dunia nyata dapat saling berinteraksi melalui jaringan internet. Perancangan dan pembuatan purwarupa sistem m…
The application of security technology is now growing rapidly. In terms of security, all methods require a password for validation. Likewise with the facial recognition method where each individua…
Expert system, orthopedics, forward chaining, Dempster Shafer, android
Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) terdiri dari mobile platform seperti router dan perangkat jaringan nirkabel yang pada keadaan tertentu biasa disebut dengan "node” yang bebas bergerak dan berpindah…