Penggunaan sepeda motor di Indonesia setiap tahun mengalami peningkatan. Hal ini dikarenakan penggunaan sepeda motor lebih praktis dibandingkan dengan mobil atau angkutan umum lainnya. Namun kebu…
Pada umumnya di peternakan ayam menggunakan sistem perbersihan kandang dengan cara manual dengan menggunakan tenaga manusia, peternak biasanya membersihkan kotoran dengan menggunakan cangkul maup…
Abstract Air quality not only can decrease outdoor, but can also decrease indoor, especially in the closed room, which is caused by smoke, dust, LPG gas, and other dangerous gases. This conditio…
Indonesia's oil reserves are only about 3.3 billion barrels remaining. If it continues to be consumed without the discovery of new oil reserves, it is estimated that these oil reserves will be e…
Recently, the case of motor vehicle theft is quite high. The mode of motorcycle theft operations varies greatly, including by activating ignition, fraud, and appropriation as well as the easiest…
Produksi padi di Nusa Tenggara Barat periode Januari-September 2018 sebesar 1,31 juta ton Gabah. Gabah perlu segera dikeringkan mencapai kadar air 13-14% agar gabah dapat disimpan lebih lama dan …
Arabic is a language that is spoken as the first or native language of more than 280 million people, most of whom live in the Middle East and North Africa. Apart from the Middle East and North Afr…
Chicken is one type of poultry that has many benefits, so the chicken can be an option for livestock. This research was conducted to create an expert system that helps provide information to far…
The design of the PSTI Electronic Service Information System, Faculty of Engineering, University of Mataram is an advanced system that supports the correspondence process that is asked by students…