Klasifikasi santri memiliki tujuan untuk mengelompokkan santri berdasarkan kemampuan dan pengetahuan dalam ilmu Agama Islam. Yang diharapkan mampu meningkatkan pengetahuan, dan dapat memotivasi san…
Desa Suranadi Kecamatan Narmada adalah daerah pegunungan yang termasuk daerah wisata yang paling unggul di Kabupaten Lombok Barat. Wilayah Suranadi memiliki permasalah saluran jalan yang tidak mamp…
As an educational institution, each university competes to build an information system to provide the best service for all university citizens. Communication between lecturers, and between students…
Sistem kelistrikan Lombok telah mengoperasikan Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Uap (PLTU) Lombok Energy Dynamic (LED). Energi listrik dari Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Uap (PLTU) Lombok Energy Dynamic (LED)…
This study is based on the existence of problems with the lecturer attendance information system in the Informatics Engineering Study Program that uses fingerprints that are directly connected to t…
Kartu Menuju Sehat (KMS) adalah kartu yang memuat kurva pertumbuhan normal anak berdasarkan indeks antropometri berat badan menurut umur. KMS merupakan sebuah kartu yang menunjukkan pertumbuhan dar…
The importance of the performance of organs in the human body makes humans must be able to maintain health in order that the body's organs still work well. Damage to vital organs in the body that c…
Financial statements are one of the benchmarks of the success of a UMKM. In making financial reports, UMKM can refer to SAK EMKM. However, there are still many UMKM that have not implemented SAK EM…
Today's website is one of the most popular means of exchanging information for many people, due to its easy access and information that can cover the world. Not only as a means of exchanging inform…