Kebutuhan energi dari bahan bakar miyak bumi (BBM) diberbagai negara di dunia dalam tahun terakhir ini mengalami peningkatan tajam. Tidak hanya pada negara-negara maju, tetapi juga dinegara ber…
When 2020 began the outbreak of new pneumonia, namely the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), alcohol suddenly became less available because it was the most sought-after item. This is becaus…
Dalam kehidupan modern saat ini, energi sudah tidak dapat dipisahkan dari kehidupan sehari-hari. Pertumbuhan penduduk yang meningkat berdampak pada peningkatan konsumsi energi. Berbagai aktifitas m…
Energy needs continue to increase with population growth that continues to grow until now, and the demand for energy sources made from fossils continues to be used, while its availability continues…
The need for fuel oil as a source of energy every day is increasing, while the reserves of petroleum energy (fossils) are depleting, therefore, to meet fuel needs it is necessary to develop alterna…
The energy crisis and the need for environmentally friendly energy souces are a serious problem in the world today. The energy crisis is caused by the large consumption and dependence of human on f…