Laundry is a business in the field of clothes washing services where dirty clothes are processed until clean and ready to distributed, this business is very promising because of the high leve…
The existence of electrical energy to be very important for the implementation of national development, both directly and indirectly. Electrical energy must be fulfilled because it is very importan…
Perkembangan usaha kecil menengah (UKM) menjadi semakin diminati oleh masyarakat karena memiliki konsep yang sangat sederhana namun tetap menjanjikan. Banyak ide bisnis dan peluang yang bisa direal…
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis lama usaha hingga mencapai Break Even Point (BEP) dengan bahan baku kulit sapi kering dan menganlisis Break Even Point (BEP) terhadap pengaruh harga prod…
In recent years many companies both micro and macro level national and international emerging. As UKM (Usaha Kecil Menengah) have an important role in opening new jobs and boost economic growth of …