Sandwich construction becomes an option on structures that have high stiffness with lighter weight. The principle of sandwich structure is to combine composite skin with a high elastic modulus with…
Pemakaian material ramah lingkungan yang mampu didaur ulang serta mampu dihancurkan sendiri oleh alam merupakan tuntutan teknologi saat ini. Kebutuhan komposit sandwich dapat memenuhi karakteristik…
Artikel History Received Accepted Available online At this time, the period in which technology…
Di Indonesia pada umumnya sebagian besar perahu dibuat dari bahan kayu. Semakin mahalnya dan terbatasnya kayu membuat perahu berbahan non-kayu terus dikembangkan untuk menggantikan perahu kayu de…
Composite is one kind of material created by the merger of two or more kinds of materials that have different properties into one new material with different properties, one of which is the incorpo…