This study aims to find out how to clean the water and feed the fish automatically, this makes the health of the fish will be protected from bacteria due to continuous water cleaning, the water i…
Sampah sendiri merupakan barang yang dianggap sudah tidak terpakai. Di masa digital saat ini aplikasi mobile dikembangkan guna membantu menyelesaikan masalah, untuk membantu masalah tersebut di…
The city of Mataram has not yet implemented a geographical information system regarding ad management in the city of Mataram. This makes it difficult for people to find information about billboard…
Recently, the case of motor vehicle theft is quite high. The mode of motorcycle theft operations varies greatly, including by activating ignition, fraud, and appropriation as well as the easiest…
The design of the PSTI Electronic Service Information System, Faculty of Engineering, University of Mataram is an advanced system that supports the correspondence process that is asked by students…
The presences system of SMK Perhotelan 45 Mataram is still conventional, allowing students to falsify sick letters. Their parents may think that their child goes for school but in reality they a…
Sistem Notifikasi Dan Informasi Kecelakaan Sepeda Motor Berbasis Website Dengan Raspberry Pi 2 Ini dibuat berdasarkan latar belakang seringnya terjadi tabrakan tunggal atau tanpa saksi mata. Prins…
Salah satu teknik utama dalam perawatan sepeda motor yakni penggantian oli. Oli pada sepeda motor memiliki berbagai macam fungsi seperti sebagai minyak pelumas, pendingin, pelindung karat dan pen…
Public street lighting is an element or component that must be present in every road, functioning as street lighting at night for the safety of motorists. Most of public street lighting is lit at n…