Produksi padi di Nusa Tenggara Barat periode Januari-September 2018 sebesar 1,31 juta ton Gabah. Gabah perlu segera dikeringkan mencapai kadar air 13-14% agar gabah dapat disimpan lebih lama dan …
Indonesia is an agrarian country rich in agricultural produce because some of its inhabitants have farmers' livelihoods. One of the agricultural products that often suffers damage in agricultura…
One of the crops which is mostly planted in the country of Indonesia is a rice plant. One of post-harvest process is the drying process. Growing technology in agriculture and food, created grain dr…
One of the crops which is mostly planted in the country of Indonesia is a rice plant. One of post-harvest process is the drying process. Growing technology in agriculture and food, created grain dr…
Handling post grain harvest before being ground or stored for a long time is drying or reducing water content. It is intended that rice or grain that still has a high water content is not damaged d…
Indonesia is an agricultural country that has a lot of agricultural products so that post-harvest handling is necessary so that the crop is not quickly broken when stored or distributed. One harves…
There are two methods used in drying rice grain; traditional drying and artificial drying (mechanical drying). Traditional drying is drying process done by using sun rays as source of energy, while…
Pengeringan gabah pasca panen sangat dibutuhkan untuk memperpanjang umur simpan dari gabah, agar tidak mudah terserang jamur dan mikroorganisme yang dapat merusak dan menurunkan kwalitas gabah. Pen…
Drying grain is a procces to reduce water contents with the aim of increasing the quality of rice. There are two methods of dring processe: natural (traditional) and artificial drying methods.How…
Rice is one of the important food crop in Indonesia. Rice is known as a principal food of Indonesian society. The pattern of consumption of rice is slowly but surely increasing in line with rising …