Rabbit health is one of the most important factors in raising livestock. The problem that is often faced by rabbit breeders is the difficulty of knowing the occurrence of disease in rabbits. …
Chicken is one type of poultry that has many benefits, so the chicken can be an option for livestock. This research was conducted to create an expert system that helps provide information to far…
Expert system, orthopedics, forward chaining, Dempster Shafer, android
Almost every human activity needs an eye to support these activities, therefore it will have a bad effect if the eyes experience interference. Disorders that can be experienced in the eye can oc…
An earthquake is a natural disaster that often occurs in Indonesia and cannot be avoided. Based on geographical location, Indonesia is located at the confluence of three tectonic plates namely the …
The importance of the performance of organs in the human body makes humans must be able to maintain health in order that the body's organs still work well. Damage to vital organs in the body that c…
Gangguan mental adalah kondisi yang mempengaruhi pikiran, perasaan, suasana hati dan perilaku manusia pada semua usia termasuk anak-anak. Penelitian ini membuat sistem pakar yang dapat mendiagnosa …
Sistem pakar diagnosis penyakit influenza merupakan suatu system yang dapat mengetahui seberapa besar resiko influenza yang diderita pasien. Pemanfaatan Sistem Pakar dalam dunia medis akan sangat…
Mata merupakan suatu panca indra yang sangat penting dalam kehidupan manusia untuk melihat. Jika mata mengalami gangguan atau penyakit mata, maka akan berakibat sangat fatal bagi kehidupan manus…